Sunday, September 8, 2019

To be or not to be?

To be or not to be? This is the question, Will said. I dare to say that "What to be?" is the real question. What defines us as human BEings? Are we still humans? Or just robots in search of money and fame who don't care of anything else.

In a world full of superficiality a little people think about these questions. Everybody wants results but almost nobody doesn't know how to get there or what it takes to get there. We became so eager to make money, to have a big house, a fancy car that we forgot to really live. We forgot to appreciate the little things, we forgot to appreciate that we are so rich cuz we are healthy, we forgot to appreciate the people near us who really love us. We forgot to say "I love you!", "I missed you!", "Thank you!".
We forgot to be happy! We forgot to be humans!

To be or not to be? But what to be? If you became what you want will you BE happy?  Will you still be a real human BEing? If you achieve what you want to achieve will you be happy or you will want more?

I just want to be happy and that means to be healthy! That is the real wealth!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Lumea cica-s profund. Nu ma consider neaparat profund, dar voi sunteti cu siguranta superficiali. Faptul ca eu nu pot sa ignor ce se intampla in jur, ca vine vorba de oameni, mediul inconjurator, lucruri, animale, face parte din mine.

Ma sfasie indiferenta si ignoranta si felul cum ne comportam cu semenii nostri. Ma doare ca am uitat sa mai fim umani. Ma doare ca suntem fiecare pentru el si nu toti pentru unul.

As vrea cateodata sa fiu mai superficial pentru ca, probabil, as fi mai fericit, insa in esenta mea nu pot sa ignor ceea ce se intampla in jur pentru fericirea-mi proprie.

Daca un singur om din lumea asta e trist, noi toti, restul nu avem dreptul sa fim fericiti. As da o lege in sensul asta, dar s-ar rasturna Pamantul cu susul in jos.

Voi puteti fi fericiti, aveti suficient, eu nu. Am un gol in stomac, ca eu acum pun capul pe perna si-n Africa un copil n-are apa potabila. Ma termina psihic!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Gauri negre in suflet

In spatele zambetului larg, a omului voios,
Mereu pus pe glume, niciodata serios...
Se ascunde un copil batran,
Zidit de timp in era nepotrivita
Ma uit la ceas, ora e gresita!
Fericit, trist, sclav sau stapan
Ramas mereu singur pe aceleasi drum!

Mi-e greu sa mai fiu eu
Ceilalti crezand ca sunt critic cu ei...
Azi mi-am batut cuie pe suflet
Mai critic fiind cu mine.
Asta-i doar un pamflet
La fel ca si viata
E doar o alta zi
Cand vorbesc cu ceata!

Incerc sa-mi gasesc calea
Urmand alta cale gresita
Nu mai caut fericirea cuvenita.
Vreau doar sa zambesc la sfarsitul fiecare zile
Fiind sanatos fara vreun pumn de pastile
Si fiecare zi o duc c-un singur gand
De-o fi ultima, am sa mor razand!