Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Am fost la spital

Noi, oamenii, niciodata nu apreciem cu adevarat valoarea unui lucru pana in momentul cand acela ne lipseste. Ma grabeam sa ajung la o consultatie si alergam pe scari, apoi m-am oprit brusc cand am vazut la intrarea spitalului o tanara in scaun cu rotile cu picioarele atrofiate. M-am simtit foarte prost pt ca am alergat in fata cuiva care asta viseaza sa faca: sa mearga, sa alerge, sa fie independent si liber din nou.

Cateodata nu realizam cat de bogati si binecuvantati suntem! Si mai mereu uitam sa multumim!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Stupid thoughts of a wanderer

I have burried myself in every place I've been!

It's a strange feeling when you leave pieces of you everywhere you go, in every people you met. It's strange when you feel your soul is dying and you are becoming colder and colder. It's strange when you build higher and higher walls because of people. It's hard when the only person you trust is yourself and day by day you are convinced that nobody will change that! 

But... "C'est la vie!". All I've learned about life I can sum up in 3 words: LIFE GOES ON!

P.S. I will sacrifice every moment of this life to live by my rules and my principles even if that means to live alone in a forest! I've done too many compromises, now you either are in my circle, or you gotta go! I'm not afraid to be alone, I'm afraid to be with people that make me feel alone - like Robbin Williams said.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Apocalypse of mind

What mindfucks me harder these days is when I look around and I can find no reason why God/Allah or whoever the fuck it's up there still keeps  us on this Earth cuz most of us deserve shit. Probably they can forgive more than me, cuz if I was up there I would have ended this world. Too much hate, too much envy, too much lies and too little love.

I was in an Erasmus project and one thing will always be on my mind. We went in a park and at a time we played voleyball. Then a boy with some mental and physical problems came to us and wanted to play with us so we played with him. That moment I felt strange, maybe the happiest I was in that trip...because I realized again how lucky and blessed I am. That's why I can't stand us humans because we never appreciate what we have, we are never thankful, we always want more and more and usually we forget how to live or the real meaning of life.

I don't know, maybe I'm too fucked up, but that's how I think. Remember, this world is a shit because we make it a shit! Start living, enjoy every moment, cuz every second could be the last one, be thankful and appreciate what you have. You are blessed! Namaste!