Wednesday, December 27, 2017


I wanted to write something, I don't know what but maybe:

Before you learn to be smart, before you learn to be beautiful, before you learn to be rich...the most important: learn TO BE HUMAN! It seems to be harder and harder, day by day. So, just be...HUMAN! :)

And remember:

"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking." - Marcus Aurelius

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Ajun! Magiun! Ajun...ajunge! Cine? Mosul? Nu stiu!

O sa spun o chestie oarecum evidenta, dar in viata e ca la poker: Nu risti nu castigi! Diferenta majora e daca iti asumi un risc, daca il faci calculat sau il faci asa de amorul artei,de a te baga ALL IN, fara niciun plan! Asta e copilarie! Unul din citatele mele favorite: "I spent my life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless, not men!" - Don Corleone

Cum ziceam nu risti nu castigi, insa uneori pierzi cu doi asi in mana, alteori castigi cu 2 treiari! Ma mai relaxez jucand poker, deocamdata doar ma antrenez nu joc pe bani reali. Abia am terminat azi, initial pierdusem toti banii la un turneu, 5 milioane de coco. Am avut niste tickete, am mai facut rost de altii, m-am bagat la alt turneu cu 1 milion si din 10 am terminat primul si am castigat 4. Initial am avut 2, scazand 1 pe care l-am bagat si adunand 4 ies iar 5, banii pe care ii pierdusem la inceput.

Dar nu vreau sa va povestesc despre poker, unii au boala asta, a jocurilor "de noroc", desi poker-ul nu e despre noroc, dar nu vreau sa insist pe acest subiect. Voiam sa va zic ca VIATA TE POATE DUCE DE LA 0 la 100 IN CATEVA SECUNDE! Nu renunta niciodata! Cateodata pierzi cu doi asi, alteori CASTIGI cu 2 treiari, important e sa nu renunti. Invingatorii nu renunta, invingatorii sunt cei care au mai incercat inca o data! Oameni ca si tine, diferenta fiind ca ei vad intotdeauna luminita de la capatul tunelului in timp ce tu vezi doar intuneric.

Cateodata dai fold, desi puteai face chinta royala! Tu ai renuntat, in timp ce altcineva a crezut in el, in sansa lui, oricat de mica si a castigat! Unii isi indeplinesc visele desi pornesc din mizerie, altii se sinucid cu milioane in cont. Diferenta o face un singur lucru: INCREDEREA in sine si FOAMEA de a reusi. Foamea se naste din dorinta, de multe ori din saracie si mizerie. Nefiind in saracie si mizeria foamea se EDUCA!

Ca tot va vorbeam de foame! Invatati de la omul asta! Desi multi il critica spunand ca tot ce face e "pt marketing", sunt convins ca el e mult mai mult decat atat. Dar n-o sa intru in polemici acum! El insa si-a urmat visul, si-a hranit foamea si cu multa munca si ambitie a reusit. Reusit fiind putin spus!

Unii castiga cu doi treiari, altii pierd cu chinta royala!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I don't know if this is what I wanted to write in the first place but...I am stil writing it.

Life has two sides:

  • "the surface side": everything is good here, no worries, "How are you John?" <-> "I'm fine, thank you! You?" <-> "Perfect!"; we took everything for granted, going to work everyday, we relax in the week-end.
  • "the core side": here things stay much more different. Cuz life is not milk and sugar! Life is not about me, not about you, we are ok. But life is also about children in Africa that don't have food, that don't have potable water, don't have medicine, have AIDS, etc. I really think it's my fault, your fault, this mad, ugly, black world's fault for this cuz we could make a difference, we could make it better but we just DON'T!
I look like a happy person cuz most of the people see only the first side. But when I'm not working, when I'm not doing sth, like now when I'm writing this, I just lose myself in the core side. And I hate myself, I hate this world cuz...we took everything for granted. We forget from where we started, we forget who helped us, we forget to be thankful, we forget the real meaning of life because we become greedy!
I don't know I hate this world and I think it's a selfish act to give life to a child in this world without morality, without principles, without honour, without love. Cuz we ar7e all pawns, we are all puppets, other people are ruling this world behind the curtain, 1% of them.

Enough with the negativity, this is not the reason I'm writing this. The reason is that when I'm lost in the core side, some people, not very many, drag me from that side. And I wanna thank you, I really felt the need of thanking you for making me smile, even for a little time! God bless you, I hope you are doing fine and everything is ok!

You really surprised me and made me smile!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Stupid thoughts of a wanderer #2

I lost even the last piece of my heart, every single part of my soul, but I'm still here, still standing! Nothing will stop me, not even death! I will make every single dream, every single goal come true! I believe in myself that much!

We all die! The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will! Don't waste your time cuz is short! Don't waste your youth focusing only on work, money and spending every week-end in the clubs pretending everything is perfect and "la vita e bella"! It's not! Life is hard for everyone but it's even harder for quitters! Don't give up, follow your dreams, follow your heart but take the brain with you! Be a fucking winner!
As I said before, we all die! The goal isn't to live forever, is to create something that will! must create something, you have to build an empire, to leave a legacy, maybe to write a book, but most of all you need to help others no matter the road you've chosen to go! Leave your mark before you go!

Life is hard, life is short but let's make it the best version of it! Let's make it beautiful again! Let's enjoy every moment we got! Let's make every second count!
Let's be humans again!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Romania si moldoveanul

Conduc. De fapt acum am tras pe dreapta ca sa scriu aceste randuri. Pt voi. De fapt pt mine si pt voi. Pt ca de multe ori imi recitesc "povestile" astea de aici pt a ma relaxa/reincarca cu energie, pt a-mi regasi vibe-ul ala fain.

Revenind, conduc. Conduc spre Brasov si am avut o zi tare faina azi si am zis sa impart asta cu voi.

Nu stiu daca doar m-am trezit cu un vibe super fain, dar ziua asta a fost foarte speciala. Si nu doar pt ca e 1 decembrie, ziua noastra, a tuturor romanilor, a Romaniei.

Ba, stiu ca multi dintre voi stiti, cunoasteti o expresie "te-n gura de moldovean". Ba eu tocmai mi-am dat seama ca iubesc moldovenii si nu neaparat astia ai "mei"^ ci aia din Basarabia. De ce?

Pai vibe-ul meu a fost amplificat de cel putin 100 de ori de 2 basarabeni:
1. Solistul Carla's Dreams (acum unii o sa foloseasca expresia aia de mai sus dar la plural "tu-va-n gura de moldoveni"😂😂) pt simplul fapt ca l-am auzit la radio zicand: La Multi Ani Romania! Poate parea ceva banal dar sa auzi un tip de alta nationalitate zicand asta mi se pare fain. Da, stiu ca basarabenii sunt un fel de romani dar mno faptul ca unii nu vor aceasta unire, face aceasta urare mai speciala.
2. Alt basarabean, sofer pe tir probabil. Iar o sa injurati. Intreband pe statie daca am controale spre Bv mi-a zis ca nu. Mi-a urat clasicul "Drumuri bune, colegul!" si alte cateva urari atat de frumoase incat aproape am crezut ca sunt minciuni. Acum mi-am dat seama cat de pesimist sunt. Pt ca nu ma asteptam sa aud atatea lucruri si urari de bine de la "un strain". Bineinteles ca si eu la randul meu i-am raspuns. Apoi el a zis ca daca am fi toti asa tara asta ar fi mai buna si ar merge intr-o directie foarte buna.

Apoi m-am trezit din "vis" cand a inceput un "roman autentic" sa ma intrebe "De unde stii tu toate astea?" apoi sa ne injure.

Aproape ca am uitat de ce am scris toate astea. A, da voiam sa va impartasesc vibe-ul meu si speram din tot sufletul sa il amplific pe al vostru. Exact cum am patit eu! Am avut una dintre cele mai frumoase zile din ultimul timp si sper din tot sufletul ca tu, cel ce citesti acum aceste randuri esti bine, sanatos, ca te bucuri de viata si traiesti fiecare clipa! Si iti multumesc. Nu stiu pt ce dar vreau sa iti multumesc. Mhmm poate pt simplul fapt ca existi.

Era sa uit...Am o rugaminte de ziua noastra: daruieste, daruieste macar un zambet! Fii fericit si din fericirea ta daruieste si altora. Hai sa facem din fericire o "boala". Si sa fie una contagioasa! Daruieste! Fii om!

Ma-ntorc la drumul meu si va doresc... tot binele din lume! Multumesc! Pt ce? Nu simplul motiv ca existi. Tu...cititorule!

La Multi Ani romani! La Multi Ani Romania! La Multi Ani lumii intregi!