Tuesday, November 20, 2018

In the end...

I don't know you but I often think about death. And it's not because I'm afraid of it because I'm not...I think of it trying to understand our purpose here on Earth.

But I don't wanna tell you about death, I wanna speak about life but in order to do that first you must understand that what makes life beautiful is death. Not knowing what happens tomorrow is what makes things interesting, even the greek gods envied people because they weren't immortals as them. As I told you if you understand that you will die and you never know when, it may happen tomorrow, next year, 10 years from now, when you'll understand this, it will change your whole perception about life. I hope so...

I like the mountain! I love snow! Skiing is my greatest passion! I love being just myself, my skis and the slope in the morning, running with speeds greater than 100km/h! And it's not the speed that I like, not even the adrenaline...it's just the unkown that attracts me, the fact that one wrong move and I can be dead! That's when I feel the most alive!

We're all going to die. The only question is how. - Bodhi

When you'll understand death, you'll understand life! You will appreciate life! You'll be more greatful of everything you have! You'll respect yourself more! You will learn to live for real...you will understand the essence of life, of being alive!

Anyway I don't want to teach you how to live! This is just how I feel!

I don't know why I'm telling you this maybe just because I know I won't be here for a long time! And the day I die I just want you to remember not my face...but the way I lived, without fear, without limits, without thinking of what others say about me! And in that day the greatest gift you can make me it's just to look into your soul, to be honest with yourself and to sincerely ask yourself: "Am I happy? Am I really living?". That's all I want for you who read this know: to be happy! To live for real!

P.S. #alwaysRemember: Live NOW! Tomorrow may never come!

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