Friday, September 14, 2018


They say 'You have a beautiful life' but they only want to see my holidays and what I do in my free time. But every coin has 2 sides. You know, sometimes I work '24/7', sometimes like last night I went to sleep around 1.30 and I woke up at 5.30 and it didn't even ringed the alarm. My body knows that I have something to do today and stopped sleeping. Now some of you will think it's not so beautiful anymore. But as I said life is like a coin, it has 2 sides you will never have only one way in life, you will never be only happy, rich, etc. To be, to achieve or to become something, you need to sacrifice something else!
Life is the teacher and we are the students. And we should never stop learning! We should always struggle, we should always become better and better to reach the best version of ourselves and we should ALWAYS overcome every problem no matter how big it is. 

Remember, life is the teacher, maybe sometimes seems to be a bad one, but the teacher always wants the best for his student, so #always #learn something from every test that lifes gives you.
Cuz in the end, it is only about you. Your way, your life, your ability to overcome everything. So keep winning, keep punching and never ever give up!

Thursday, September 6, 2018


"Un vis al mortii eterne e viata lumii-ntregi!"

Astazi a murit tatal cuiva apropiat mie, ma rog sa zicem ca s-a impiedicat de sine si l-a calcat trenul, asta ca sa nu spunem ca s-a sinucis. Un om de nota 20. Dar nu cred ca va intereseaza asta...

Revenind, stateam si ma gandeam ca, inevitabil, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, toti murim. Absolut toti. Nu stiu pe nimeni care e nemuritor. De multe ori imi pun intrebarea ce s-ar intampla daca as muri maine. Mai nimic, vor plange cativa oameni, se vor face cateva pomeni, apoi gata, viata merge inainte. De ce va spun asta? Poate ca vreau sa va pun putin pe ganduri. Pentru ca fac, facem multe lucruri gresite, multe lucruri degeaba si uitam sa traim, sa traim cu adevarat. Ne irosim vietile. Si sunt mai mult decat convins ca daca v-ati intreba mai des "Ce s-ar intampla daca as muri maine?" vietile voastre se vor schimba, in bine evident. De unde stiu asta? Din propria experienta.

Si n-o zic doar eu, au zis-o altii mai intelepti decat mine acum mii de ani: Vrei să trăiești cum se cuvine? Învață mai întâi să mori.” - Confucius

Intrebati-va asta mai des si va garantez ca viata voastra se va schimba sau macar scopul ei si/sau anumite lucruri din ea.

In orice caz, tu, cel ce citesti aceste randuri, intreaba-te mai des inainte de a face ceva: "De ce fac acest lucru? Ma face fericit?" daca nu vrei sa ma crezi pe mine, crede-l pe Dalai Lama, de la el am invatat asta!